Laguna Nimez Nature Reserve, part of the Calafate Wetland, is home to more than a hundred birdlife (with a historical record of 130), many of them endemic, and/or of special conservation value; other animal species; and native flora.
Its preservation, from the ecological, historical, recreational and landscape point of view, is one of the park goals.
+ Info in environments
To preserve a place -and be sustainable- education is essential. Therefore, this is one of the fundamental work axes of the organization.
Approximately 7% of the visitors (about 1500 young people) are educational/health groups, that use the space as an outdoor classroom.
Some activities related to environmental education are scholar internships (from high schools and universities); art/nature contests, and training courses, and training courses; among others. There's also an exclusive specific "environmental education area", created to visit children and young people (students) at school.
** Educational visits are without charge, and interpretative school tours are provided (with an order in advance).
+ Information in educational visits
Approximately 20,000 people per year visit the area, from all around the world, and the country.
Visitor services are offered. Open all year long.
+ Information in plan your visit